Cloud contact center

Screenshot of Dialpads digital engagement feature

Massive scalability

Screenshot of setting up Dialpad

Tools for super-supervisors

Screenshot of the live calls in Dialpad contact center

Real-time training—at scale

Screenshot of Dialpads real time assist card feature popping up helpful notes for an agent or rep when a tricky question comes up on a call

Speedier QA

Screenshot adding a new QA scorecard on Dialpad

Live guidance for sales teams

Screenshot of Dialpads Ai Playbooks fature

Advanced WEM capabilities

Screenshot of Dialpads integration with Playvox

Looking for a cloud call center solution?

See how it works with a demo, or take a self-guided interactive tour of the app on your own first!

Higher reliability and call quality

Screenshot of Dialpad Ai meetings videoconferencing feature

Greater cost efficiencies

Screenshot of Dialpads desktop and mobile apps

Integrations with tools you already use

Screenshot of Dialpads integration with Salesforce

Call routing

Screenshot of setting up call routing on Dialpad

Call analytics and reporting

Screenshot of Dialpads built in contact center analytics dashboard

Any device, anywhere

Screenshot of Dialpads call flip feature seamlessly flipping a call between a desktop and mobile app
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Get started with a cloud contact center

With a good cloud contact center provider or customer engagement platform, you can empower your agents and supervisors to work from anywhere. Book a demo of Dialpad or take a self-guided interactive tour of the app on your own!

  • Dialpad Ai Contact Center vs. other cloud contact center platforms
  • Dialpad Logo
  • Others
  • 🌟 Native capabilities

  • Owns all of its own technology and features—including Dialpad Ai, real-time transcription, omnichannel, and self-service chatbot functionality.
  • Typically needs partner integrations / third-party tools to provide full range of functionality, like Ai, transcription, and omnichannel support.
  • ⏰ Time-to-Value (TTV)

  • Setting up a new contact center takes as little as a few minutes thanks to Dialpad’s cloud-native platform and menu-driven self-configuration.
  • Setting up new users can take days or weeks, requiring significant professional services involvement.
  • 📈 Scalability

  • Incredibly easy to scale up and down—you can add and remove call queues, and hundreds of users all on your own!
  • Can scale up (more easily with cloud than on-prem platforms), but difficult to scale users back down if business is only seasonally busy (even for cloud solutions).
  • 💰 Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

  • Dialpad offers transparent pricing, high-value bundles of capabilities, and support is always included in all plans.
  • May entice customers with a low initial price point that doesn’t include many essential features.

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